Sunday, December 5, 2010

Facebook Possible Hoax

When a friend of mine posted the message about changing your icon to a cartoon character to bring awareness to child abuse, and the copy and paste the same messsage as your status, my first thought was what it always is - I don't do these things. 

I don't care if it's "If you believe in God"  or "If you support gay marriage" or "If you are a mindless drone".  I just don't do those.

But, then I thought, "Hmm, my favorite cartoon as a child was G Force!  I wonder if I can even find any pics of G Force?"  MY G Force that is, not the gerbil movie.   And lo and behold, I did indeed find some pics!  So I figured, WTF, it's a bit of fun, and if it promotes awareness of child abuse, why not?  So I did it.  I did that copy and paste thing that I never do.

I did investigate it.  There was nothing on about it at the time. 

Then, of course, some idiot seeing that something else was getting a lot of attention and participation on Facebook wanted to start something of their own.  So this person (or group or whatever, you never know on the internet) started their own copy and paste message saying that the cartoon copy and paste message was actually posted by pedophiles, thus making everyone with a cartoon character icon feel shocked, stupid, guilty, duped or all of the above.

So, I checked it out again.  It turns out that no particular child abuse group started the cartoon icon Facebook campaign.  Neither however, is there any truth to the second copy and paste message about pedophiles.

And I've pasted that on Facebook, and I am leaving my G Force icon up until Monday.

But, after that, lesson learned. NO MORE COPY AND PASTE messages!  They're just internet chain letters and it never ends well. 

I know better than this, I can't believe I fell for it actually.  Never copy and paste something as your status.  Your staus should be unique, as are you.  If I wanted to promote child abuse awareness, I should have posted my own opinion about it as my status.

What was I thinking?

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